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a semi-permanent technique for enhancing the appearance of the eyebrows, in which pigment is scratched into the skin in fine, short strokes resembling hair, using a hand tool with a blade formed of tiny needles.



What is microblading and how long does it last?

Microblading is a cosmetic procedure that inserts pigment under your skin using a needle to give you well-defined, natural looking eyebrows. Generally, results can last from 18 to 30 months depending on your skin type, lifestyle, and how often you get touch-ups.

What are the negatives to microblading?

The CONS of Microblading

Apart from being an expensive method, makeup removal is quite painful and can lead to scarification. Also, in many cases, allergic skin reactions are a possibility; it is the microblading side effects. The numbing cream and the ink used might not be favorable to all skin types.

What I wish I knew before microblading?

Everything You Need to Know Before Microblading Your Eyebrows

  • It uses the same technique as a traditional tattoo, but they’re not the same. … 
  • It’s a two-part process. … 
  • Expect a little bit of pain. … 
  • Microblading is not for everyone. … 
  • Your skin type can affect results. … 
  • Microblading won’t stop your natural hair growth.

Is it painful to have microblading?

Because of the word blade, many people thinking about microblading worry the procedure will hurt. In truth, the treatment feels less painful than getting a regular tattoo, but you may experience some mild discomfort. People describe the microblading sensation as a little more painful than waxing or plucking your brows.