General Practitioner

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General Practitioner

General Practitioner

In the medical profession, a general practitioner or family physician is a physician who treats acute and chronic illnesses and provides preventive care and health education to patients of all ages.

General Practitioner

General Practitioner

What general practitioners do?

The duties of general medical practitioners include the examination and diagnosis of patients, the prescription of medicines, performing of minor operations and provision of different treatments for injuries, diseases and other ailments. Medical practitioners (doctors) are licensed practitioners of medicine.

What is the difference between a doctor and a general practitioner?

General practitioners are more likely to refer you to other doctors for specialized care, whereas family doctors often pick up additional specialties in pediatrics, obstetrics and geriatrics so they can provide more of your care themselves. How to choose a general practitioner or family doctor.

What general practitioner means?

Also called family doctors or internists, general practitioners often develop an ongoing relationship with you, providing continuity of care. They treat common medical conditions and perform routine exams. They refer you to other medical services or doctors if you need urgent or specialized treatment.

How long does it take to become a GP in South Africa?

7-8 Years

General medical practitioners in South Africa typically study for 7-8 Years including 6 years spent on theoretical training, one year spent on internship, and another year spent on community service.