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Why is it called a crèche?

Although a creche is the same thing as a nativity scene, if you want to get nit-picky, the creche refers specifically to the baby Jesus in the manger. Crèche is a French word that also refers to a nursery or daycare center.

What is a crèche in South Africa?

An early childhood development centre or a crèche is a place for the care of more than six pre-school children for part of the day or night.

What age should a child go to crèche?

A nursery school usually accommodates toddlers from 18 months or 2 years upwards, while a pre-primary usually only takes children in the year they turn four.

What is the difference between daycare and crèche?

Shaping Small Children Towards Growth: In a Daycare center, the children are admitted to help them know about their surroundings and teach them some stimulating activities to shape them from a very ripe age. In creche, the small babies usually rest or eat, or sometimes games for infants are provided.
