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church, church building, or church house is a building used for Christian worship services and other Christian religious activities. The earliest identified Christian church is a house church founded between 233 and 256. 


What are the 3 types of churches?

Sure, there are thousands of denominations, hundreds of theologies, and dozens of size cultures. But in the end, most congregations self-select into one of three categories. There are memorial churches, maintenance churches, and movement churches.

What is the largest church in South Africa?

Zion Christian Church –

Zion Christian Church – Wikipedia.

What is the first church in South Africa?

the Groote Kerk

The history of churches in South Africa stretches back to the arrival of Dutch settlers at the Cape in 1652. They brought with them the Dutch Reformed faith and in 1665 built the first South African church, the Groote Kerk (Great Church) in Cape Town.

Why are churches called churches?

The word church is derived from Old English cirice, “place of assemblage set aside for Christian worship”, from the Proto-Germanic kirika. This was probably borrowed via the Gothic from the Greek kyriake (oikia), kyriakon doma, “the Lord’s (house)”, from kyrios, “ruler, lord”.
